July 31, 2008

Submitted By Steve Skorupa

Submitted by Gak from Hawgholic
Courtesy of Jim Wismer:

The parking lot of the original H-D of Westminster on Bolsa Ave.
Courtesy of Jim Wismer (thanks Becky!):

George Crocker on the left and Jim Wismer behind the bike. I dig George, I really like talking to the guy. He's kind of like Cesar Millan the Dog Whisperer but instead he uses his techniques on people! George had worked directly for the H-D factory (I believe in the late 60's and 70's) and had traveled quite a bit for them. He's got a lot of experience under his belt. I've been lucky enough to have picked up a few things from him as well.

July 30, 2008

Submitted by Denver Dan:

Stalin and his ghosts.

Submited by Noot:
Now for something different! Lil Joe is at my house from Vegas this week and he brought his totally old school, modified (two light half flywheel) 1946 FL.
This thing is still left over from the 70's . . . I bored his "scored" front cylinder, fitted a new piston and here it is ready to go again.
Tobias Woelting sends this killer bike from Dortmund, Germany.

July 28, 2008

This is from 4 Speed Fury;
"7 years ago Sonny Routt built the engine, ard mag, amal mrk 2 carbs, huge intakes, 750 top end with that Sonny magic massage work. It also had a Fury girder and Hurst Airheart brakes.
I cleaned it up and rode it for a season just the way i bought it...And like a dumbass...Sold it for a whopping profit and kick myself everyday since."
German Karp from Buenos Aires, Argentina sends a photo of his bike...So cool!
I think we might be seeing some more photos of the Argentina life style.
Joe the Fish sends these photos to us from Minnesota. Bud Kellys in his 70's and still kicks starts this Pan he built in 1969.

Johnny Wolf's great grandfather Ed Nelson was cheif of police of Fargo North Dakota in the early 30's.

Submitted by Denver Dan:
Submitted By Steve Skorupa