August 10, 2008

Off Topic Sunday: TA! MA! LEEEEES! The Tamales Man was back a few minutes ago. I hadn't seen him in a while and to tell you the truth, it's kinda hard to find him. He's always around Sunday morning, I can hear him, but I can't tell where he's at! The man's on a mission and always splits real quick-like after his rush is over; he's off to another neighborhood.

This morning he was making his calls from TWO FUCKING BLOCKS away! I always complement him on his voice, I could hear him over the disco I had playing this morning in the kitchen. I got on the Redline and pedaled like crazy trying to find Senor Tamales.

This time I also got the hot chocolate too, which is made a little different from the watery high fructose mess we're all used to. Its a little thicker and has a different taste and texture to it and its good. I asked CantStayJose, "is it normal for the Tamales Man to be selling hot chocolate?" and according to my hombre, it is.

But a warning to my fellow street vendor food virgins and the not-so-experienced: check with the locals before buying from any old van that shows up selling food. I consider myself a expert, a connoisseur if you will, of buying "street" foods and back-alley ethnic cuisine. I'm just throwing this out there cause I wouldn't want anyone to get sick cause they read this post and went out and got something from some other guy in a brown Ford Aerostar. Regularity and a line to buy the product is a sure sign that you won't be reading entire magazines on the toilet for the rest of the day.

By the way, that's tamales de puerco (pork) on top and chile/queso (chili/cheese) on the bottom. I also got pollo (chicken). My wife will be stoked after canoe paddling practice this morning. Have a good morning and enjoy your Sunday!

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