PSA From COCThis is what a Street Glide looks like after it t-bones and rolls a Range Rover. I'm not going to post pix of the rider. He survived with a fractured skull and is now part of the titanium leg club.

I'm still shaky on the details. But, here's what I think happened. Rider goosed it to make it through the yellow light and the Range Rover pulled the old left turn in front of him.

I'm just as guilty of goosing it through the yellow as any of us. But this accident has got me re-thinking that activity. I also live in the self-obsessed center of the universe (Los Angeles) where 99.9% of drives believe it's their right to turn left on the yellow and don't even look at on coming traffic. My point is, if at all possible stop at the yellow light because that fucker's gonna turn left!
After 30+ years of riding, I only goose it through a yellow light if I cannot see any vehicle closer than about 1,000 feet in any direction other than behind me.
This is pretty common behavior in Des Moines, too. In the suburbs, there are a couple of giant intersections where the light goes red in all directions for a couple of seconds after the yellow. Everyone knows it, and as a result drivers continue turning left long into the red. Guess how often it results in an accident.
yep, had a special encounter of the 4-wheel kind myself in 07..driver not paying attention and me getting antsy made for a bad combo. Better to take it slow and not be in a rush in two specific situations...urban areas and at night up in squirrel country
The problem is here in LaLa land you'll get a grill up your tailpipe if you stop at a yellow. That'll throw you out into the left turning car anyway. Damned either way.
troo dat
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