January 26, 2009

Lil' Joe - Las Vegas, NV
Ed Roth and Bob Spina were very good friends. They traveled many miles together. Kenny Lee was a true big game hunter and outdoorsman. Kenny and Bob built the "Wold's Fastest Trike". Kenny was killed a few years back while heading up to Northern Nevada for a turkey shoot. Ed is gone now too. Bob is still in Vegas

Lil's Joe's Preunit and '54 Chevy - Long Beach, CA '69 (that's Lil Joe sittin' on the curb)
Kenny Lee and Bob Spina with The World's Fastest Trike - Las Vegas, NV

Knuckle/Shovel - Ash Park, NV
Roth's last trike and Kenny Lee's trike (that's Dennis Roth and Kenny Lee)
Submitted by Noot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lil Joe is cool.