Haven't been able to stop thinking about this ultra gnarly ride.
Right before I went to bed I was thinking it would make a cool shot to park this bug right in front of a huge bank. Then have seven Mariachi dudes, all dressed in black leather, running down the steps to the bug. Each one carrying a bag of money in one hand and a AR-15 in the other.
Georgeous! Down to the Weber Down-drafts on each bank.
Wow, wish i had my old 69 right now
wish i was getting a 69 right now
wish i was doin a 69 in the back seat of that Bug!
damn... bugRod from hell
Haven't been able to stop thinking about this ultra gnarly ride.
Right before I went to bed I was thinking it would make a cool shot to park this bug right in front of a huge bank. Then have seven Mariachi dudes, all dressed in black leather, running down the steps to the bug. Each one carrying a bag of money in one hand and a AR-15 in the other.
i remember reading about this car in the past. the builder named the car "Death".
seems rather appropriate
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