Whiskey Bar - Los Angeles, CASubmitted by Steve Skorupa

My first year in LA I ended up managing The Whiskey Bar at The Sunset Marquis Hotel. The Stones stayed there for 4 months while recording Voodoo Lounge. I sent a note to Keith to come hang with me at the bar. I brought some old Chicago Blues and R&B cds to play. I didn't see him for a while, but got to know his assistant Tony Russell. So one night Keith shows up. We have a few drinks and end up talking about the cultural heritage of out families. He was very engaging and genuinely interested in listening to what others had to say. At the end of their stay at the hotel Tony tells me that Keith want s to give me something (photo, autograph, etc..). I ask Tony if Keith will carve his name into the back of my Tele. Tony's not sure if he'll go for it. The next night the bar phone rings and I hear a voice on the other end simple say "bring your guitar tomorrow night". Of course I do.......
(BTW - I think the Jack Daniels/Rebel Yell stuff is all part of his public persona. We regularly sent bottles of Stoli with jugs of OJ to Keith's villa)
Great story! Keith is really as "regular" as can be. I was flying to London and he was in first class. I`m in my pilot uniform and was in first for my crew rest break. He says hi, we talk, and I wind up spending most of my break talking to him in the galley. Very cool night- I`ll never forget how normal and unaffected he was.
That is a bitchin story. They came to the bar where I worked in Indy and bought weed from the owner of the studio where I recorded my album. They also ate dinner at St Elmo's where Keith drank Jack on the rocks all night. They seem to be really amazing, but very down to earth guys. Hold on to that tele!!!
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