May 27, 2009

Inspiration! Fritz from the old Iron Horse magazine built his


Nelson said...

Fritz's pan is still an inspiration to me.

spuddley said...

Fritz, I liked his writing and his bikes. What's he doin' these days? I need to unseal me boxes of aulde mags and peruse some of the contents thereof. VIVA CHOPPERMAN !!

krazy kevin said...

Fritz is alive any well living in the mid-west. He's restoring the Roth cycle/bike hualer which was entitled "Capt. Pepis motorcycle & zepplin repair". We meet at a local cycle shop where we both worked after I return from Cal.. I pointed out suttle things that Louie had done to his bike like the clutch lever & miror bracket being welded to the handlebars. Fritz went to work on his machine and NAIL IT GOOD! I haven't seen either of those cats in years but they built some clean iron.

spuddley said...

Thanks for the post Mr. KK ! !