May 23, 2009

Last Ride

My best buddy Glendyn's first feature film is being released in Oz on July 2nd. A road movie about a petty criminal and his son who are on the run. It stars Hugo Weaving. Check out the trailer here - I was privileged to work on parts of it and I've been lucky enough to see it a few times since - totally devastating and beautiful.

Here are some of the shots from the location scouting through the South Australian desert.


DoubleOhTwo said...

Wow, can't wait to check it out. Living in Sydney and considering buying a bike in Perth and riding it back... Everyone's telling me it would be boring as bat shit but these shots are inspiring...

Micro said...

The landscape in Oz is long and inspiring. I love riding over hills and seeing the space open up before you for hundreds of miles. And the light, heat and space of the land is like nowhere else in the world.

Some of my favourite ride memories to date are the ones where i found myself clocking mile after mile in the middle of nowhere. Trick is to stop and look. Even when there is nothing, there is something.

Basically i reckon riding from Perth > Sydney = awesome