These signs are now being posted in all pubs throughout NSW.
It is part of a move by three Australian State Governments - NSW, SA and QLD that have enacted (or are pushing to enact) laws to 'outlaw' 1% clubs. When passed these laws allow the Chief of Police and the Attorney General to declare ANY organisation criminal. Once an organisation is declared criminal if the members associate together, they will be imprisoned. Further members of that organisation will not be allowed to work in security, auto and motorcycle trading, pubs and clubs and many other biker preferred occupations.
Click here for Ferret from the FINKS MC and here for an opinion
Man, wait until you meet R.I.C.O; it will take care of whatever freedom you think you have left...
fuck-history repeats and repeats and...These guys think there clever-get a life coppers!
damn the man and fuck the pigs
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