August 4, 2009

There are a number of things that are disliked in this world. This is probably one of the items on that long list:
I saw it a block away from my pad over in the battle zone. So funny, had to take a shot.


Denver Dan said...

Time to shave!!!!
Dont waste your time or $$ on the shampoo....besides, those little combs hurt my delicate curls!!!!!

Billy Sastard said...

Are you kidd'n? The "week later" effects of the complete shorn-ness you would require to rid yourself of the little basturdz would be incredible! And insatiable! Plus you'd hafta go right round the bend to aviod them just relocating and ending up with asscrabs! Just bust out your mirror and remmington! The crazy downtown itch from the return of even the most delicate of shortandcurlies would mercilessly leave you begging for the comparitively soothing tickle of the blighters themselves. And it would last for a week. Buy the shampoo, take a shower, and stop fucking the things you find laying on the floor after last call. Not that I'm speaking from experience. none. i mean they call me billy sastard for no reason right?

Irish Rich said...

Here's what you do....

No need for a full shave, you just shave half your pubes. Pour Jack Daniels on your unshaved half, and salt on the shaved half.

The crabs will get drunk, wander out of the unshaved half, pick up the salt crystals, and stone each other to death.

Works every time.

Doug said...

Dungeoness are my favorite
who be hatin? Just had some Maji
from L&L BBQ

steveb said...

maryland is fuck crabs

Richie said...

The word "Fuck" in this situation.
Is it a verb?
I don't think we have the full story here.