On October 7, 1980, Bruce started bailing early in the day. By 10:00 a.m. it was too dry to make a good bale, but kept going. Although it was his 19th wedding anniversary, he couldn't take the day off. Cattle were getting into the crop and he wanted to finish the baling. When the machine's pick-up plugged, he grabbed the straw to unplug the machine. His hand was pulled in between two rollers and held tight until it burned off
"It was bad fall weather for harvesting. I had combined for about two nights and days by myself. I was tired. You know, I could watch the combine plug and I wouldn't even stop until it was plugged. I finished at midnight and went out after that to bale. Then I started baling again about five o'clock in the morning. I wasn't looking for anything so I guess I was just overtired, thats all. If I could go back and do it over again, I suppose I would shut the baler off, open the gate on the back, and dig the straw out from behind by hand. You could pull it out easy by hand with the baler open"
True heroes of this great country, doing what they have to to make a living for their family... and now life changes. My greatest fear seeming as I use hands, legs, eyes and back to keep my family fed and warm...everything else is fluff.
that is tragic..i did some baling in thatcher idaho for a summer
i was beat to shit after that summer and in the next 2 years i looked pale in comparison to my cousin..who looked like the rock(dwayne johnson)
All the respect in the world for people like this fella. Between all the shit on TV and what the kids are becoming.. old guys like this are rare.. and you know I know what it is like to loose a part.
This reminds me of my papaw...he is 86 and still kicking. He never lost a limb but he has been run-over by his own tractor, trampled by bulls and one stubborn mule. He has taken a beating trying to tame the land. I respect him more than anyone I know. Much respect to Bruce and all like him!
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