April 22, 2010

Annie our bartender.

Tank by Ryart, HERE
Kung Fu Tap & Taco T-Shirt HERE


Skylar said...

I like her. A lot.

Red Torpedo said...

Thank god they don't have barmaids like here in my local, I'd be broke.

Micro said...

cool tank!

spuddley said...

Does she ride that thing? If so, that's Ultra Mega Super Boss Kul. One of the nicer treatments to the final drive front sprocket cover that I've seen . . . in the past 30 years or so. Nicely set-up moped, all around really.


the barmaid, the screen printing,
the bike, and the tank art are all
very extra great.

MWeishaar said...

She intimidates me and makes me feel funny.

Justin said...

That tank looks way better than the snowy deer scene one.