May 2, 2010

The Brown Bunny


mp said...

worst movie ever

Red Torpedo said...

I love Micro's film posts, but this film is supposed to stink, right? Makes nice screengrabs though.

Micro said...

The Brown Bunny - well, it's not Hollywood - and yes, at times it is painfully slow and un-stimulating ... but the final 5 minutes makes sense of why you sat through the first one and a half hours (and the cinematography is perfect). In a word - awesome!

Nads said...

This film sucks, Chloe blows.
It's Vince Gallo saying, "look at me."

Stone said...

This flick rules. It just takes a little patience. And, given the opportunity, who wouldn't hire some famous chick and add in "By the way, you gotta blow me"?

Nads said...

More patience than I got, I guess

Eric said...

My friend bumped into Chloe S. at a club in NYC, talked to her for a minute, and then his girlfriend threw a little fit over it and ruined our night.

My above post is waaay more interesting than this movie (except for the racing and the blowjob parts).

Anonymous said...

I dig it, requires a different state of mind. Like looking out a car window, viewing scenery and interesting things along the road. proud to say saw it in theaters during its original run.