Hi from South Africa! This project is waiting for me in D.C. when I get back
Frame was found by my friend John in an attic in Richmond, VA. Springer was extended and stick welded in the late 60s.
Helmet was found in NYC at Billys Antiques,he found it in Canada.
Hi from South Africa! This project is waiting for me in D.C. when I get back
Frame was found by my friend John in an attic in Richmond, VA. Springer was extended and stick welded in the late 60s.
Helmet was found in NYC at Billys Antiques,he found it in Canada.
Briljant engine by why shadowed by nazi crap ??i
haven't seen any one made an ode like this
to the mfs who caused 9-11 and thinking "that would be funny".
Great pieces of chopper history!! Love it.
@NR Maybe it will happen if Al-Qaeda start building choppers? Perhaps thats why we can't find Bin Ladin because he's hanging with the OCC to learn his skills. Senior would bust a blood vessel if he found out.
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