August 3, 2010

Well I have never heard of a bunny hurting a biker before...Brian Olson sends this in....I might give him a shirt for graphics well done....Kill a Deer, Save a Biker is what we are looking for.
Thanks B!


BitMonkey said...

Maybe they grow into deer? Kinda looks like he's saluting.

Bobby Hanson said...

Rumor mill in the animal kingdom is out... Play dead near highway and get a cool spray paint tattoo from some biker. Well it worked little bunny, you are now representin'.

Dave "2¢" Derelicto said...

Photoshop makes this stuff too easy.

tiptopdadddy said...

There is a doe that was skull, skin and hooves in the middle of the highway on the way to work yesterday. Today it was just putrifying maggot bait-TAKE THAT YOU FUCKIN MURDER MACHINE!!!

Inflaymes said...

By the way, that WAS NOT photoshopped...yeah it would be easy, but this bunny that has been hanging around my back yard finally got killed and I sprayed it.

Dave "2¢" Derelicto said...

Well, either that was a really huge bunny or a miniature spray can.

Inflaymes said...

yeah, it was Testor's model paint, glossy black and red hair dye paint in a mini can.

E said...


Rick said...

We need another angle. Maybe from the grassy knoll.

Anonymous said...

haha. this is a horrible photoshop job.

i decided to copy and paste the photo title (roadkill+bunny)into google photo search and one of the first photos that popped up was the UNTOUCHED version of this picture.

Here's the link to the picture and the story of how the bunny was killed.

Now that's some bullshit !

Anonymous said...

Just read the story the other blogger wrote with the bunny picture.
Caption reads "This is what I got when I googled "bunny roadkill"--
and this is actually what it looked like."
So it may not be HER picture but she found it the same way homeboy with the shitty photoshop skills found it.

For shame!

Dave "2¢" Derelicto said...


CHVRCH said...
