Falcon Motorcycles builds a one-off custom motorcycle.

Then the image gets ripped off and ends up on this guy's shirt:

So bogus.
I'm not a hater and usually try not to point out what sucks in the world, but please repost this and help get the word out to help Falcon Motorcycles.
As of noon CA time, the above t-shirts have been removed from their site thanks to many out there, especially some of you COC readers that helped inquire about this. Thanks for helping out and sticking up for the little guys!
I have to add this though: what would make someone, who has a customer motorcycle design company, wear and pose for a photo with a custom motorcycle on it that was never created by them in the first place?
****another update****
Just got word that Paul Jr. was seen wearing that shirt on a recent episode viewed by MILLIONS. so lame.
That is FUBAR! Un fucking believable. What a piece of shit. I guess he sold his soul a long time ago anyway, sad.
Wow that's pretty lame. Do you think his designers did that or he picked it out? Either way he's not on Falcon's level. He builds dragonflame teal blue shit.
I just went to the store. The shirt isn't there anymore. Maybe Falcon threatened a copyright infringement suit. Still... good work, church of choppers!
THIS is good police work...Way to go, Nelson...
Been reading about this all morning long. Chalk one up for the little guys with talent! http://newbluecollarmoto.blogspot.com/2010/09/anybody-not-see-this-yet.html
Good to hear they removed the shirt. Now let's wait for the statement from P.jr himself. Jeez what a sad gaylord, that it had to come to this...
OUT FUCKING STANDING ON GETTING THEM REMOVED...I emailed the shit outta them today and generally made a pain in the ass of myself..glad to see we can make a difference...Interesting that the first thing this new "design company" does sucks balls...shapes of things to come??
Paul Jr and Sr are true masters of their craft, their heart and soul goes into everyone of their one off masterpieces, just watch the show as it shows the bond and love between father and son, their just a small family ran shop just tryn to get by in these hard times just like the rest of us.......
Good work COC, Im sure Paul Jr. finally realized that people dont want there bikes to look or ride like airplanes, and had to have a shirt with a real bike on it. Cant stand OCC...
How about a tee shirt with that sad image of Paulie's face on it, that says: Jr. Designer
Never thought they were very talented. Mostly mailorder shit bikes with no soul. Pure fluff I ain't buyin'. COC rules!!
Sinking to new lows.
heres there number tell em how u feel 845-787-5356 this goes right to there shop fuck them death to posers
total weenies.
what a douche, i cant even believe this
you mean welding spider webs on a bike isnt cool anymore?
talentless fucks since day one and this only proves it more and more.
I wonder if Jr. had permission to use the image?
Does anyone have proof that he used it without permission?
...or with?
all art is theft
Everytime I see this worthless fuck I want to puck. He couldn't build a real bike if he wanted to. I can only hope that Discovery channel drops these morons and stops promoting crap. Shit, I have to go for a ride to clear the vision of that ugly fuck out of my head.
This cock has never built a damn thing with even an iota of taste and then he goes and steals it, what a weak little fuck he is. Assholes line up to get autographs from this cocksucker and his retarded family, wake the fuck up people!
I don't think the issue is whether he " stole " the design or used it with or without permission .
It was a picture of a bike that he didn't build , being used as a representation of his bike shop / design firm with his logo plastered all over it .
Scumbag move all the way down the line .
Apparently even Paul jr thinks his bikes suck, else he'd used one of those.
I don't think this story tells the 'custom scene' anything nobody already knew. Fucking lame.
You all are something else, haters all. So the guy put together a graphic on a t-shirt and didn't ask you all. Shame. I'm sure falcon and Paul Jr. will work something out. But you bunch need to maybe go out and actally buy a motorcycle and then pull your panties out of your crack, and get a life.
^ Ray shut up! Just saw Paul Jr on and episode and he was wearing the Falcon shirt, but it was blurred out by censors. Too good! Use a bike not built by you to promote your design firm/motorcycle shop just lame.
Haha, it's somehow nothing surprising to me.
Btw, my dad uses to call those ugly-ass-shitload-bikes "Kirmes-Moppeds", which is german and means something like funfair bikes. True, true.
But you bunch need to maybe go out and actally buy a motorcycle and then pull your panties out of your crack, and get a life.
Haha! Dont you mean build a bike???
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