To start your own thing takes balls.
I have more respect and admiration for this guy than most anyone I know.
Straight shooter..Smart as they come, and rides a long bike on the 405 like no other.
I'm sure he's going to give me shit for posting this....
If you need help in a motorcycle related injury he will help you.
So which one's the bitch?
I heard about this wreck last week. I guess the guy on the bike was showing off in front of a car show in Chatsworth, and ran out of talent. My HD mechanic was there. Thats what I heard anyways, there are always 3 sides to a story...
Yup! The guy got hit at an intersection and the bike did a right turn, travelling down a side street on its own for about 50 yards before crashing into the T-Bird which was displayed on the side street during the California Car Cover Car show..
Thomas Edison
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