October 5, 2010

Jeremy, this is what Im looking for.


Skylar said...

Cabovers are pretty dope

J-Rod said...

Optimus Prime.

Unknown said...

International? I had a model of one of those back in the 70's! What are you going to haul? I love trucks! Ferris Sate Heavy Equipment Service gradute here. Worked for Cummins abit after school so I say that for a powerplant.

Kruse said...

Say an old K Whopper cab over this weekend. So cool, I remember ahving a framed photo of one on my bedroom wall way back when.

IMT Transport said...

Ford L9000's ruled the pickle parks in the 80's...you need to come up here and drive a cabover before we get knee deep in cat nip.

Doc14 said...

YES....... Jeff all day long around Oklahoma in equipment yards, Cab over's for days man.