April 5, 2011


Caterpillarnut said...

Did he shoot himself in the foot?

DutchmanPhotos said...

That is some pretty funny shit right there..

CycleDelicCycles said...

...and this kiddies, is why you point it AWAY from you when checking.....

flava404 said...

Holy shit, bet he said 'ouch' after that one.

Wes said...

thats natural selection at work fellas! it's only a matter of time.

Travis said...

wow. makes the #40 bit I put through my thumb seem like a splinter!

Lonnie C. said...

That is gonna leave a mark!

eddie said...

god damn he didnt even go to a hospital?

rolandska said...

That is not going to buff right out

Eric said...

Meat. It's what's for breakfast.

Jon said...

He's making speed holes

Nicky said...

he needs surgery or he's gonna loose his leg

Fashion Serial Killer said...

yikes… i just barfed a lil in my mouth…

Skylar said...

Nothing more to add except- how'd he come out of it?