April 7, 2011

No pussy footing around

2 1000 mile days, 2 nights in Long Beach, and 3 650 mile days home would make your eyes look like that also....lots and lots of smoke breaks.


lamp shade said...

Harsh... that R1 looks great, dig the supertrapp.

Spanner said...

I tend to use every gas stop to catch up on smoke. I look at it as its going to be 3 hours till the next chance. In bat I trust!

Johnny Wolf said...

Ruler....nuff said.

Jan said...

I fucking love that bike, is that a cut down supertrapp

tom said...

Would it be cheesy to ask if you could do a write up on this bike? Maybe some still shots? I fucking love that tail, great details all around the bike!

Craig said...

More info on the bike plz.

bobx said...

thats some fucking ridin'.

andy said...

you guys are mental!