May 27, 2011


I got these from Yvon. That group looks good on the road.


Noot said...

All those bikes are scary fucking rad. That green panhead is gnarly cool. Awesome pics. Awesome times riding with a group like that - Thanks Minna !

minna said...

That green panhead was build in Sweden by Choppis from Plebs Choppers. It´s rad.

Valand said...

The green chopper it´s a copy of a Denvers Choppers bike, the original bike is built by HÃ¥kan Grahn and was equipped with a 1948 Pan Head at that time, built 1975. The original bike took many first prices at many exhibitions during the 70ties. Very charactersistic for all Denvers bikes was the bend in the rear frame, the coffin gas tank and the pull back handlebar. And of course 20" and more fork.

Ride On!