May 10, 2011

Thank you Gary Inman over at Sideburn for sending some mags and stickers my way. 
Im taking it the 'Instructions for American Servicemen in Britain' is for us to read before the TT.
Thanks G! 


OldStuffsFuckinMental said...

You're going to the IoM this year?

CHVRCH said...


Hux said...

Guy Martin!

Davidabl said...

How to not offend the brits.
Remember hearing that in WWII the brits thought that the yanks were "overfed and oversexed" and that the yanks thought that the brits werejust the opposite.

OldStuffsFuckinMental said...
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OldStuffsFuckinMental said...

Hope you have a fun time over there, for me it will still take some time to get the monetas together.
Don't forget the pics!

Sideburn Magazine said...

Yeah, read the dedication on the inside cover... G

Lee said...

I hope the weather is as glorious as last year and the racing is as thrilling.