June 13, 2011

Learning with LEGO

Lego is real life...
The stress of the responsible *ahem* job...
...meets the bottle of imagination...
The final build...

The shakedown run...

Church of Choppers...
Thinking outside the box.


ILLW84U said...

WTF??? You spend a week at the Isle of Man TT races and we get Legos???? Lol!

ILLW84U said...

I retract that statement! I mistakenly thought Jeff had posted that, but you still should seek help. You are obviously demented....

Anonymous said...

It's Jeff's fault, he altered my state of mind! lol

Milo said...

holy cow not only is that fairing right on the pulse but he's rocking the super rare 7 spoke mags!

Milo said...

holy cow not only is that fairing right on the pulse but he's rocking the super rare 7 spoke mags!

Milo said...

holy cow not only is that fairing right on the pulse but he's rocking the super rare 7 spoke mags!

Milo said...

i only posted that once..