August 17, 2011

David Mann


F.T.T.L. said...

You Beauty.
Two more, and I had no idea it was Dave Manns Pan.
One day, when I get tired of coffee and cream my Panhead will look like this.

edsonsmdesign said...

nice bike...

Bacon said...


Jet City Jughead said...

Again - maybe for the 20th time - thanks so much for sharing this stuff.

I'd pay good money for tshirts w/ some of these images on them. Come to think of it, I'd pay good money for prints of some of these to hang on my wall too.

Could I just scan the images that get posted here at a high res., print them, and hang 'em high?


Would I rather put money in the pocket of the person who was behind the camera and have him sign his artwork?


CHVRCH said...

Why even bring money into the mix? Fuck. Its always about the fucking money. Sorry. Its just everyfucking thing is getting fucked. I would hate to walk in to a posers house/bar/garage and have such cool shit on his/ her walls? At least if they do it them selfs, you can call them out. But if they are for sale......fuck.

Rick said...

Awesome awesome pics.

Jet City Jughead said...

That's a unique perspective Jeff, and I can appreciate it.

I don't necessarily agree with it, but I can appreciate it.

Thanks again for sharing this stuff.

CHVRCH said...

I had a few drinks before that commment. It might have come out alittle better sober.
Money shouldnt be able to do everything with bikes.