September 4, 2011

Banana Bread

I was running late, but finally got over to Davenport for the swap meet.

I took these pictures the first hour I was there. While walking back to the camp site, a friends wife asked if I would like some banana bread and a bottle of water. She informed me that the bread was loaded with weed, and that "dont worry, you'll be alright".
So hubby walks up and asked her if she gave me any of the banana bread. "Yes", she said
"How much?" he asked while Im standing there.
"About this much" she said holding up her fingers.
With huge eyes he says "Oh shit!" Then looks at me and says "You'll be alright."

On the way over to my ride, I run into Josh Kurpius. I tell him the story with the bread, and he says "Oh shit dude, I ate some of that last week."
"You ate how much?"
"I feel sorry for you!"

By this time my psych is already gone.

Within an hour Im writing songs, producing videos, in and out of sleep, nauseated, solving math problems, sweating.....Completely jacked out of my fucking mind for hours. I heard music, motorcycles racing, people laughing, high fives....all while laying (hiding) in the bed of my truck.
I have no idea how much weed was in that banana bread, but I was messed up beyond even being able to stand up. I know this as I tried to go piss and fell out of the truck.
About 10-11pm I started to comeback to life with the help of Mike D of Blotto Parts. With no water in site, I was on multiple PBR's instantly and finished out the night and into the morning with the Bravetown (Chicago) Crew.
 I remember thinking that night "this would not have happened if I would have just rode my bike."
The next day I was glad I took the truck.
Holy shit! It rained like a mother fucker!

Not so Fat Bob, I owe you one.


TXDENNIS said...

man, same shit happened to me in LA when Gabe offered my cookies....


great pics and banana bread story.

OldStuffsFuckinMental said...

haha, that's a hell of a story Jeff.
Nice to hear you made it back home alive

Kevin "TEACH" Baas said...


Knucklenutz said...

Eat 'em if ya got 'em

wllgmr said...

Great story. Same reason me and my dad drove the car to Indy!

Boonie said...

...reminds me of myself on that country road trip with you a few years ago.

Noot said...

When I read the title "Banana Bread" I just lost it . . . You are the greatest Jeff. Davenport was quite the deal this year . . . Have fun in NYC !!!!!!!!

tom said...

we rode home in that rain (back to madison). that rain sucked. Aaron told us about your banana bread experience while we were still in the races, glad you pulled through!

Davecat said...

that must've been quite a shock, especially for someone who's never smoked pot

corn said...

Hater wins!...again

Bacon said...

Fat Bob Rules just gotta ride it out sometimes

Unknown said...

Awesome! Love it! Brought a smile to my face. Thnx!

steveb said...

eating shit will kick your ass far more than smoking it, true dat....

Throwback said...

Ive layed in a tent for 12 hours while shit like that wore off. Its fucked and I'll never do it again. Its not fun by any stretch and Ive enjoyed my share of phycidelics over the years.

brad said...

No banana bread but good swap.
Robert claims "it never was about the girth . . . . . . "