January 3, 2012


hard life bikes said...

search lor dev ,,and ,,philly dirtbike run 2011 ..

Travis said...

It's one thing to see these clips.. its another thing to hear them coming and watch them past you, around cars in traffic and up on the back wheel... brrAAAAP - AAP - AAAAAAP

I don't know if this documentarywas ever finished and released http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1457073935/twelve-oclock-in-baltimore

dirtyhandskev said...

team one way and the phg hold it down in my neighborhood with my boy prince. he put out a pretty sick DVD this summer called "put up or put up". http://youtu.be/Zc9_k5gm3Gc

CHVRCH said...

We were snaking in traffic coming home from Brooklyn Invitational, and a club rode through with dirt bikes, quads, and crotch. The quads were splitting lanes on two wheels, it was crazy cool. Smack downtown, cops couldnt/wouldnt do anything but watch.

Davecat said...

that seems dangerous

. said...

i see a groundbreaking defense precedent for some intrepid personal injury attorney... one who specializes in two wheeled vehicles... too bad we dont know any...