April 2, 2013

Hello there , my name is Ian from London and Jeff has kindly invited me to post
on the CoC blog . I've been sending Jeff some of my photos from the 80's which he has put on the blog and I guess he's got fed up doing that and wants me to do it . Those pictures will run out but i'm out and about taking new ones of the same stuff , Bikes , People with Bikes and People with Beer talking about bikes .  You'll also find a wider range of photos i've taken on ROBOTBOYSOFHOLLOWAY.blogspot  .Cheers !
That's me on the guzzi . I didn't have a number plate - they didn't have a sense
of humor !


CHVRCH said...


Micro said...


WhitelinePsycho said...

Excellent . . . fancy that, the Plod not having a sense of humour ??