So on the same trip to South America where i fond my uncle this also happened. In uruguay its typical to eat dinner at 10:00 PM. So we were out on our way to eat walking, and i see this old Matchless single parked on the sidewalk, outside an apartment building. I can't believe my eyes and i bend down to look at it. There were two guys at a newspaper kiosk sitting nearby, just when i was about to ask them if they knew who the owner was, he walks out of the building. As he walks up, i ask "what year is it?" His reply was this..."Its a 48, wanna ride it?" I was in Montevideo, which is the capital city. The whole city is intertwined with one ways and diagonal cross streets. So I'm out putting around on them and i can see the guy, but i can't figure out where i have to turn, to get back to where he is. This goes on for a half an hour or so, I'm havin a blast, and finally i find him, give his bike back and go have another delicious steak dinner.