March 31, 2011


Gabe's panel van.I love this car

Gabe's 1960 starliner
new looking forward to it.

Morning Coffee

Everyday for over a year now....Here.


Two sources I use alot.
I love the fact that no matter where you are, you can get the goods.

Truck of the day

March 30, 2011

Billy T thinking about the Isle of Man TT coming up.

There will be 4 of us on the Isle from June 3 - 7
Anybody out there have a place for us to stay?

Ok, I fucked up and ordered these the wrong can get some free ones here.
We will have 'Bumper Sticker' sized ones very soon (just re-ordered them in the correct size).

Stellan´s art

March 29, 2011

03 29 2007


I met Ed Shimek's son awhile ago. He gave me his pops
biz card and said maybe some photos down the road...
I was drunk when you gave me this. I just found it the other day. Thanks!!

Clifton Suspension Bridge

Lee Evans sends this one...Thanks!