I remember it well, from my childhood of hell.We used to have to practice this thing called "Duck and Cover."Once or twice a month or so, whenever the Air Raid siren would blow,We all had to duck fast under our desks at school. I used to pray each time, that it wouldn't be the last.What a waste. It makes me sad.J.
is that someone starting a 45" magnum......
100.000 childeren die each daywhile billions are spend on bombs(s.o.a.d) !
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I remember it well,
from my childhood of hell.
We used to have to practice
this thing called
"Duck and Cover."
Once or twice a month or so,
whenever the Air Raid siren
would blow,
We all had to duck fast
under our desks at school.
I used to pray each time,
that it wouldn't be the last.
What a waste. It makes me sad.
is that someone starting a 45" magnum......
100.000 childeren die each day
while billions are spend on bombs(s.o.a.d) !
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