January 17, 2012

I used to staple flyers to phone poles.


Anonymous said...

Very cool man!

WhitelinePsycho said...

Fuck !!!! Mega collection man, a few are totally new to me but will be off to seek and deploy, did a couple of gigs with the Cosmics back in the day . . . huge !!!!

The_Hard_Ride said...

Nice collection jeff. I used to try to tape posters to phone poles in -25C weather. Too broke for a stapler. In hindsight it woulda been a smart investment.

gnarlycharlie4u said...

Yo that's a pretty impressive collection.

Sideburn Magazine said...

I've got a few of those too. All you still digging vinyl could head over to Sideburn and buy the 7in single we had made... Why did a motorbike magazine make a 7in single? Er, it seemed a good idea at the time. G


Eric John Powers said...

Season To Risk killed it.

boxcar designworks said...

The Fumes!

Noot said...

Stop living in the past and get back to work . . .

Tulipana said...

Hey Jeff, cool blog. An old buddy came across your site then sent me the link to the Gacy cover. Scrolling around then I find out the site is yours. Come to Kansas City for Middle of the Map Fest April 5-7. Season to Risk and Molly McGuire reunions plus a bunch of cool stuff I can't mention until Feb. 1. http://www.middleofthemapfest.com/

Steve Tulipana