April 7, 2012

The smell of One Shot

My friend Randy Kent did some lettering today.


Kris Klein said...


bobx said...

shit son..that looks good!

WhitelinePsycho said...

Sublime talent and the human hand, what a beautiful thing, really superb.

Brett said...


Holeshotking said...

Kicks the shit outta vynil!

CJ said...

Wow. He is good, and that looks trick.

Dan Yoder said...

1 Shot Cologne...has potential!

OldStuffsFuckinMental said...

Did I ever say that I love this bike?
And I love oldschool craftsmen!

DAN_DAN said...


Jason said...

Shit looks tight. Well fucking done....

Davecat said...

looks slow

steveb said...

that really spices things up!

Pacman said...

neato! looks beautiful mang!

Anonymous said...

That looks great, super clean letters. Does he have a site?

Bullit said...

cool !!