June 4, 2008

Watch out!


Nads said...

I can't tell you how many times I've felt like doing this when our stupid ass city decides to have a bike race through downtown on a weekday. They have races of all kinds at the most unbelievable times, I hate the cops that man these things too, what assholes, the biggest.

Anonymous said...

Jeez - as a former bike racer I can't get my head around why so many drivers hate cyclists. People would try and go out their way to mow me down. Assholes...

Nads said...

Jahluv, I ain't talking about you, well maybe I am, but why disrupt city streets at unreasonable hours? Go out in the woods or something rastaman.

Anonymous said...

I would love to do this on RAGBRAI.

Anonymous said...

Car drivers hate cyclists because they're ASSHOLES. Then they get on their weekend toy and complain about their fellow car drivers, because now all of a sudden they're supposed to be bikers. Cars are disrupting city streets at all hours, but they have that false sense of entitlement that comes from being in a numerical majority.

Skylar said...

Hope that dude in the car is still in jail, how the fuck do you run into 15 bikers?