"Hello, Jeff, Almost done!; K-H 900 cc., 55 cu.Inch, 1956, got the total oem motor when I was 17, I,m now 49, put it in a new jacket!!, Got all this gems over the years, as Magneto,Girder,Wheels!; Homemade bars,and all the other stuff...." Greetings from B.B. Inc, Bert Krol..
I LOVE KH's..that bike has the stance..flip some superbike bars upside down and that's me
damn great looking bike
Fuck man! That's a real nice machine. Yes please, let me do the photo shoot for the Dutch mag!
I will contact U as soon as I'm ready with it, not done yet!, try before Motorexpo or after,will see;will e-mail U. Thanx!.
Love the sv engine. Interesting placement of rightside peg vs. front exhaustpipe though.
Chalopy: I know what U mean!, foot-burning?,Ha that's why I put Highwaypegs on it!, So quick shift I quess!, Good eye man ;-D.
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