July 6, 2010

New Hardcore Chopper Magazine #45


Yes, it's true. Hardcore Chopper Magazine will be put to rest with issue #50, coming up sometime next year. No - Makonabe is NOT going under, it's nothing to do with the economic times or any bullshit like that, but he'll be expanding his motorcycle interests into TWO MORE TITLES. Yes, two more magazines coming your way from Mastermind Makonabe sometime next year (and if we're lucky a book too).

In the meantime check out the cover of #45 (above) which is being worked on as we speak. It won't be hitting the stands for another few weeks.

*Here's a tip - get on eBay now

1 comment:

Poppymann said...

That chop looks like the sportys I grew up with in Omaha back in the 70s. Guys would slap long front ends on them without raking the head tube. They looked like they rode floppy but they were certainly cool.